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Prince William’s ‘Ugly’ Jealousy Is Coming Out

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Prince William’s ‘Ugly’ Jealousy Is Coming Out

Prince William’s ‘Ugly’ Jealousy Is Coming OutThis is a side of the future king of England that we certainly haven’t seen before.  There’s a new report that says Prince William’s ‘ugly’ jealousy is coming out. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

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Apparently, Prince William thinks that King Charles is incompetent as the King of England. While some people think that he is being overly critical, others think that he might be just jealous of his father.

Royal Family News – Prince William’s ‘Ugly’ Jealousy Is Coming Out

One source close to the situation even put it this way, William, or his staff, I should say, will always be quick to play up his efforts.”

 “There is an almost frenzied push for William to be seen as ready for the throne, despite an entire generation coming beforehand.”

“Jealousy isn’t a particularly flattering look on anyone. On the then-future King of England, and in relation to his two children, it was downright ugly.”

Royal Family News – What’s Next For Prince William?

While Prince William hasn’t said anything about the matter, there are a lot of people out there who aren’t very surprised by the report.

Apparently, Prince William thinks that King Charles is incompetent as the King of England. While some people think that he is being overly critical, others think that he might be just jealous of his father.

Royal Family News – Prince William’s ‘Ugly’ Jealousy Is Coming Out

One source close to the situation even put it this way, William, or his staff, I should say, will always be quick to play up his efforts.”

 “There is an almost frenzied push for William to be seen as ready for the throne, despite an entire generation coming beforehand.”

“Jealousy isn’t a particularly flattering look on anyone. On the then-future King of England, and in relation to his two children, it was downright ugly.”

Royal Family News – What’s Next For Prince William?

While Prince William hasn’t said anything about the matter, there are a lot of people out there who aren’t very surprised by the report.

That’s because it’s been reported in the past that Prince William was also terribly jealous of his younger brother, Prince Harry. That might be one of the many reasons why Harry left the UK.

William was so jealous of Harry and his wife Meghan Markle and their popularity that he made life very difficult for them while they were still living in Kensington Palace. And some people think that William might be doing the same to his father, King Charles.

Royal Family News – Prince William Desperate For The Spotlight

Prince William is so desperate for the spotlight that some people think he would be willing to push his own father out of the way.

But knowing King Charles, he’s not going to take his son’s nonsense. He’s got other things to worry about, like running the monarchy and of course, beating his cancer.

As much as Prince William wants to play the popularity game, King Charles refuses. He’s not going to be pushed out or bullied for that matter.

Tell us, what do you think about this story? Leave us your thoughts in our comments section below.

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Editorial credit: Featureflash Photo Agency / Shutterstock.com

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