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Prince William Is Ghosting Prince Harry For This Reason

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Prince William Is Ghosting Prince Harry For This Reason

Prince William Is Ghosting Prince Harry For This ReasonIt looks like the hurt is so deep that he not only wants nothing to do with him, but is treating him like he’s even dead

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There’s a new report that says Prince William thinks that Prince Harry no longer lives or exists, which pretty much means that he’s ghosting him.

And that certainly has to hurt for the Duke of Sussex, right? Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News – Prince William Is Ghosting Prince Harry For This Reason

There’s a new report that suggests Prince William, who happens to be the next king of England, is living his life as though Prince Harry no longer exists.

He’s just so terribly hurt by all of the ways that Harry had thrown his brother under the bus in his multiple tell-all interviews that he simply wants nothing to do with him anymore. That’s why each time Harry is in the UK, William doesn’t make an effort to see him at all.

One source close to the situation even said, “Harry’s visit to the U.K. has done nothing to repair royal relations – Harry has been very publicly snubbed by his father and brother.

Royal Family News – Prince William Is Pretending Like Harry No Longer Exists

The tipster also added, “There’s been no obvious criticism from either side, but the silence from William is deafening.”

Of course, Prince William himself has not made any comments about the matter but a lot of people would agree that his actions certainly speak lounder than words.

There’s even a very good chance that when King Charles dies, Prince William will pretend that his brother isn’t even in the room during the funeral.

That’s how hurt William feels about their feud and everything Prince Harry has said about him in the past. And clearly, that won’t change.

Tell us, what do you think about this story? Leave us your thoughts in our comments section below.

Also, watch this space for all of the latest breaking news. Come back to Celebrating the Soaps for everything you need to know about the British Royal Family and the hottest celebs.

The tipster also added, “There’s been no obvious criticism from either side, but the silence from William is deafening.”

Of course, Prince William himself has not made any comments about the matter but a lot of people would agree that his actions certainly speak lounder than words.

There’s even a very good chance that when King Charles dies, Prince William will pretend that his brother isn’t even in the room during the funeral.

That’s how hurt William feels about their feud and everything Prince Harry has said about him in the past. And clearly, that won’t change.

Tell us, what do you think about this story? Leave us your thoughts in our comments section below.

Also, watch this space for all of the latest breaking news. Come back to Celebrating the Soaps for everything you need to know about the British Royal Family and the hottest celebs.

Editorial credit: Isaaack / Shutterstock.com

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