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Princess Catherine reveals she’s done with royal duties amid fight with Camilla about royal tittles

Princess Catherine reveals she’s done with royal duties amid fight with Camilla about royal tittles

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Catherine, The Princess of Wales, a book about Kate Middleton that just came out, says: According to A Biography of the Future Queen, the princess and mother of three was very forthright with King Charles about how she would perform her royal duties from the beginning: She would prioritize her children. .

Catherine the Princess of Wales, a book about Kate Middleton that just came out, says according to a biography of the future Queen, the princess and mother of three was very forthright with King Charles about how she would perform her royal duties from the beginning.

She would prioritize her children.

The book’s author, Robert Jobson, told Hello in an interview recently that she made it very clear to the late queen and the Prince of Wales, who is now King, that she will not be rushed into doing things she doesn’t necessarily want to do with her children.

“I think she realizes that she only has one shot at this,” he went on to say. “She needs to prioritize her three young children.”

This prioritization has become even more important as Kate continues her cancer recovery. The author goes on to say that this time with her family is especially important because her children are still very, very young, and this is a time she won’t get back again.

In light of all of the public speculation surrounding her absence earlier this year and the unrelenting expectations that come with her title, the princess gave a public update earlier this summer stating that she was making good progress with her chemotherapy treatments, but that she continues to have good days and bad days.

She also stated that she hoped to attend a few public events this summer, including Wimbledon in July and Trooping the Colour in June.

“I am aware that I am not yet out of the woods. I’m getting better at being patient, especially when there’s uncertainty,” in her message Kate said. “Accept every day as it is, listen to your body, and allow yourself to spend the much-needed time healing.”

She then thanked those who had sent her well wishes.

According to a new Daily Mail report, Kate Middleton is unlikely to resume her royal duties soon. The publication asserts that the Princess of Wales will continue to receive preventative chemotherapy throughout the remainder of the summer and possibly beyond, as well as that her recovery will continue for many months to come even after her treatment is completed.

When asked if Kate might return to the spotlight, a source stated, “We are not there yet.” She stated that her treatment would continue into the summer when we last heard from her prior to Trooping the Colour, and that is still the case.

The entire family has endured a very difficult year and a rough time. Additionally, as she herself stated, she is not completely recovered.

Lacey also noted that Middleton’s experience has led her to “realize how precious life is” and to focus on what truly matters to her and her family, particularly her children. He pointed out that Prince William, who has been deeply affected by both his father’s and Kate’s health challenges, is supporting her through this difficult time. “I think they have a right to decide how they want to do this. Catherine will be prioritising her children and supporting William,” Lacey said.
As for how the royal family might react to Middleton stepping back from her duties, Lacey suggested that they will ultimately support her decision. “She’s so important and so precious that the royal family will have to dance to her tune rather than the other way around,” he explained.

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